Difference between revisions of "Template:RuTableArtExtCalc"

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Latest revision as of 14:11, 28 September 2011

CoreCriticalTemplate.png  Критически важный опорный шаблон    —    Core Critical Template.  

Необдуманное вмешательство в шаблон может повлечь за собой разрушение всего проекта! Unconsidered intervention in the template may result in the destruction of the entire project!
Документация Документация    —    Documentation
Этому шаблону не хватает документации (подстраницы ./doc).   This pattern is not enough documentation (subpage ./doc).
Вы можете помочь проекту, сделав описание шаблона: что он делает, как его использовать, какие параметры он принимает. Это поможет другим людям использовать его.
Для оформления можете воспользоваться {{doc}}. Не забывайте помещать описание внутрь <noinclude></noinclude>.
You can help by making the description of a template: what it does, how to use it, what parameters it takes. This will help other people to use it.
For decor you can use {{doc}}. Do not forget to put the description into <noinclude></noinclude>.

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 3.3.3: Warning: Unknown parameter 'dplcacheperiod' was ignored. Help: available parameters: addauthor, addcategories, addcontribution, addeditdate, addexternallink, addfirstcategorydate, addlasteditor, addpagecounter, addpagesize, addpagetoucheddate, adduser, allowcachedresults, allrevisionsbefore, allrevisionssince, articlecategory, cacheperiod, categoriesminmax, category, categorymatch, categoryregexp, columns, count, createdby, debug, distinct, dominantsection, eliminate, escapelinks, execandexit, firstrevisionsince, fixcategory, format, headingcount, headingmode, hiddencategories, hitemattr, hlistattr, ignorecase, imagecontainer, imageused, include, includematch, includematchparsed, includemaxlength, includenotmatch, includenotmatchparsed, includepage, includesubpages, includetrim, inlinetext, itemattr, lastmodifiedby, lastrevisionbefore, linksfrom, linksto, linkstoexternal, listattr, listseparators, maxrevisions, minoredits, minrevisions, mode, modifiedby, multisecseparators, namespace, noresultsfooter, noresultsheader, notcategory, notcategorymatch, notcategoryregexp, notcreatedby, notlastmodifiedby, notlinksfrom, notlinksto, notmodifiedby, notnamespace, nottitlematch, nottitleregexp, notuses, offset, oneresultfooter, oneresultheader, openreferences, order, ordercollation, ordermethod, qualitypages, randomcount, redirects, replaceintitle, reset, resultsfooter, resultsheader, rowcolformat, rows, rowsize, scroll, secseparators, showcurid, shownamespace, skipthispage, stablepages, suppresserrors, table, tablerow, tablesortcol, title, titlegt, titlelt, titlematch, titlemaxlength, titleregexp, usedby, userdateformat, uses.